Gun Shop Etiquette
Most of ya’ll know all this already, but here’s a little friendly reminder on gun shop manners.

- Make an appointment. Gunsmithing requires extreme focus. My time in the Smithery room and the CNC room is super important. BUT so is my time addressing your particular needs; from gun cleaning to building a custom rifle for you piece by piece. Making an appointment to bring me your rifle that needs repair, to pick up your rifle, or to begin building your Archer Custom Rifle means I will be ready to focus on YOUR NEEDS. So make an appointment!!!
- When you show up for your appointment, DO NOT walk in with a loaded rifle. Bring your rifle into the shop in a closed case and empty.
- Allow me to open your case and inspect your rifle FIRST. Before anything else, let me look at it.
- Don’t touch anything that is on the counter or on display. Period. (Think of it as if someone were to take your hat off your head and put it on. It’s just bad manners.)
- Don’t be vague…”It keeps jamming.” Tell me what your issue is and the steps you have taken on your own to address the problem. Tell me exactly which ammo you’re using. Tell me what average distance you’ve been shooting. Tell me what kind of shooting you’re doing (target, hunting, competition, etc.)
- Don’t be offended if I ask you about your shooting technique. If I can eliminate “user error,” I can more accurately and quickly address the problem. No room for “pride” in my rifle shop. I’m here to help you.
- “I want my rifle fixed as soon as possible.” Yes, we all do. But I’m not going to promise what I can’t deliver and I’m not going to rush a job at the expense of not completing the job to perfection.
- Size and cost of a project do not affect the speed at which I’m going to get your rifle done. Threading a muzzle brake is not going to push your rifle in front of a bedding or tuning job just because it’s a “simpler” job.
- I can usually squeeze in services like scope mounting, rifle zeroing and gun cleaning between bigger jobs like barrel chambering, pillar bedding and stock inletting; but it all depends on my workload. If you have a particular deadline, I can’t in good in conscience put your job in front of others just because “you WANT it done fast.” So plan well ahead and make an appointment.
- If I give you an estimate of four weeks, there is no need to call for daily updates. If I get it done sooner than estimated (which is usually the case) I will call you. Otherwise, trust that I’m working on your rifle and I will meet my estimated finish date. If something happens and the problem is bigger than I anticipated I will keep you updated should there be a delay.
- I LOVE talking about rifles. I can’t help myself. But the more time I spend at the counter, on the phone or answering emails means the longer it’s going to take for me to get to fixing your rifle. So please, let me get back to work.
- Chances are I know more about your rifle than you do by just looking at it. Unless you have been gunsmithing for more than 40 years, listen to me and trust my advice.